Environmental Policy and Action Programme

Aspiration of the Policy Statement

Planned prevention and reduction of any pollution, waste or paper is cheaper than curing environment after the event.  It is therefore our intention to push the company to ensure the environmental policy is of equal importance as health and safety policy, Primary Water Group see both policies as one.

Primary Water Gourp is committed to reducing waste such as paper, ink, energy, water, chemicals etc. we are also committed in reducing others pollution (as well as our own) so as to reduce the long-term cost to us all (cost not meaning money but life it self).  It is our part of the process towards greater efficiency as well as demonstrating ‘Environmental Friendly Company’.

The Environmental Policy of Primary Water Group is based upon its premise and the immediate vicinity of the site and more widely by all people’s in our field by promoting new standards.

Policy Statement

Primary Water Group recognises and accepts that concern for the environment is an integral part of the Company’s corporate business strategy.  The company will seek at every opportunity to reduce its impact (and others) on the environment, to the lowest practicable minimum, by recognising its responsibilities through a positive policy on safety at the work place, control of pollution and care for the environment.  Any threat of pollution from its activities and products will be identified and either eliminated or effectively controlled.

General Environmental Policy of Primary Water Group

Primary Water Group will plan, conduct and monitor its operations using the Best Practicable Means to protect the environment form impairment. The concepts of Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) and duty of care will be implemented to establish high standards of operation in all the Company’s activities, for which adherence will be mandatory.  These will comply with or exceed regulatory controls or codes of practice where they are available. Primary Water Group has been instructed to continue to develop and improve its operational standards as a result both of its own efforts and using appropriate available world-wide technological developments.

The Policy of Primary Water Treatments is as follows:

Operational Policy

Assess in advance the environmental impact of any significant new development.  Design, operate and maintain vehicles in a responsible manner providing the maximum practicable environmental protection.

 Communication Policy

Take the interests of the local community into account, with due regard for public perception and have a regular process of communication with the community where appropriate.

Make available to employees, customers, the public and statutory authorities relevant information about our activities that affect health, safety and the environment.

 Implementation Policy

Make all employees aware of our Environmental Policy, provide suitable training to improve environmental awareness and allocate clear responsibilities.

Operate and update on a regular basis systems and procedures for both operations and their monitoring to ensure adherence to the policy.

Audit our adherence to the policy.  This will be undertaken by line management on a regular basis and on an annual basis by external consultants.

This policy has been reviewed, formalised and endorsed by the Company’s Managing Director (Glyn Jones) who takes full responsibility for its execution and require that it be a prime concern of employees at all levels.

This statement will be brought to the attention of all employees, suppliers and contractors and copies are freely available to the general public, regulatory authorities and customers on request.

The Environmental Action Programme is formulated to implement the Policy.

Environmental Action Programme

 Action of Programme

To determine the specific objectives for environmental control, providing guidelines for Company personnel who have the responsibility for ensuring that the objectives are met.

Management involvement – Managers at all levels throughout the company must take individual responsibility to ensure that environmental issues are considered carefully when making decisions or when planning and controlling work.

Workforce involvement – all employees will be made aware of their individual responsibilities for acting in accordance with the environmental policy.

Engineering and Safety – plant and systems of work are designed and maintained to the highest possible standard in order to minimise accidents and unforeseen occurrences.  The Company will endeavour to work closely with the relevant statutory bodies to meet all applicable legislation and improve operating procedures.  Systems have been developed to provide the appropriate response to deal with any incident which might have off site significance.

Waste reduction and recycling – careful consideration will be given to the elimination or minimisation of waste at source and the recycling or re-use of materials.

Waste disposal – disposal and transport of wastes off site will be carried out in a responsible manner with due regard to all environmental considerations.  Discharge of our trade effluent to sewer will be required as by legislation, through consents and controls.  The Company will endeavour to minimise spillages and maintain good housekeeping as part of our system of compliance.

Effects on the community – noise, odour, atmospheric emissions, traffic and other aspects of the Company’s activities which can affect the local community will be controlled to the lowest practical level.  Primary Water Treatment Limited will seek to be a good neighbour and improve the aesthetic appearance of the site.

Complaints – the Company will continue to develop the existing system for handling complaints from individuals or from local organisation and make every effort to provide an efficient and friendly channel of communication.

Openness – Primary Water Group wishes to develop an open and effective relationship with regulatory authorities, the local community and its representatives.